Horrible beeping. Groggy. Blurry. Warm covers. Cold floor.
Late. Snoring lover. Twinge of annoyance and jealousy.
Rushing. Water. Sigh of...relief? No... Sigh of comfort/contentment. Hot. Steamy.
Typical Monday-AM.
Packing. Driving. Parking. Running. Security. Unload. Scan. Reload. Waiting.
Every other Monday, I fly. For work. Different cities. Different airports. Coherent... Sane. Different... Same.
. . I usually forget to look out the window and see how pretty the world is. I am usually the guy with a hat, sunglasses, and earphones. I am trying to ignore you, your stories, and your child/friend/parent/partner rambling. I have been conditioned to get in, sit down, and get where I am going. Preferably with as little hassle as possible.
As I said, I fly almost every 2 weeks (sometimes more frequently...), and it is way too easy to take the experience for granted. Every one has a story. Every airport has some point of interest. Every local restaurant has some dish that you just gotta try. We just get... distracted. Well, I don't want to be that way anymore. I don't wanna be that guy anymore...
Today, I hope I learn never to take such a view for granted again.

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