Monday, September 17, 2012

#MamawSue: Early Morning Wake Up Calls and LaNita's Ability to Insult...

This call came to me one morning at 7AM...

My mother swears it wasn't meant to offend her aging mother, simply for her to get up, and start getting around because they had a busy day - beginning at noon. Now, Mamaw can cook. Mamaw can sew. Mamaw can do just about anything. But she doesn't like "fancy" and she was never "pretensious" even though she had it in her blood and passed it down to her daughter and grandson! But she was never one to be a "lady who lunches". She doesn't necessarily like lunching with the ladies auxillary, or the like. She's a "drink coffee on the porch and talk about your 'Prayer List'" kind of woman. If she DID go out, she was in floor length formals and fabulous costume jewelry and mink going to some Lodge affair with my grandfather.

Now, in all fairness, and in all honesty... my mother truly (possibly, truly) wanted her to get up and get dressed, get her hair done, etc. What she said was, "Get up, Momma... you need to stay active!" Which, as any southern woman worth her salt, can twist into: "Get up, Momma... you are old and getting fat and need to move around." That's where I entered and had to diplomatically diffuse a situation. After that, Mamaw informed everyone she'd earned the right to sleep in, if she so chose.

I have yet to receive another of these calls.
#JustBeingMichael ツ

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